API Documentation

Submit a File for Analysis

To submit a file for analysis, make a POST request to /submit.

Example using CURL

curl -X POST "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/submit" \
  -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" \
  -H "ocd-p2a-apikey: Your-API-Key" \
  -H "ocd-p2a-dtype: file" \
  -F "file=@/path/to/your/file" \
  -F "timeout=60" \
  -F "vm=Windows10x64"

Example using Python (requests library)

import requests

url = "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/submit"
headers = {
    "ocd-p2a-apikey": "Your-API-Key",
    "ocd-p2a-dtype" : "file"

files = {
    "file": ("/path/to/your/file", open("/path/to/your/file", "rb"))

data = {
    "timeout": "60",
    "vm": "Windows10x64"

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data)


You can check whether the analysis is ready:

import requests

url = "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/api/{analysis}/status"
headers = {
    "ocd-p2a-apikey": "Your-API-Key"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

if response.ok:
    status_data = response.json()
    if status_data["status"] == "ready":
        print("Analysis is completed and ready.")
        print("Analysis is still in progress.")
    print(f"Failed to check analysis status. Status code: {response.status_code}")


Download Analysis Results

To download analysis results, make a GET request to /download/{analysis_id}.

Example using CURL

curl -X GET "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/download/{analysis_id}" \
  -H "ocd-p2a-apikey: Your-API-Key" \
  -o "analysis_results.zip"

Example using Python (requests library)

import requests

url = "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/download/{analysis_id}"
headers = {
    "ocd-p2a-apikey": "Your-API-Key"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

with open("analysis_results.zip", "wb") as f:

Get Analysis Status

To get the analysis status, make a GET request to /status/{analysis_id}.

Example using CURL

curl -X GET "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/status/{analysis_id}" \
  -H "ocd-p2a-apikey: Your-API-Key"

Example using Python (requests library)

import requests

url = "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/status/{analysis_id}"
headers = {
    "ocd-p2a-apikey": "Your-API-Key"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


Get Historical Analysis Data

To get historical analysis data, make a GET request to /history/{analysis_id}.

Example using CURL

curl -X GET "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/history/{analysis_id}" \
  -H "ocd-p2a-apikey: Your-API-Key"

Example using Python (requests library)

import requests

url = "https://p2a.cert.orangecyberdefense.com/history/{analysis_id}"
headers = {
    "ocd-p2a-apikey": "Your-API-Key"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
