• Release Notes

      P2A v7.6 (2024-02-12)

      Support for more zip file formats (multipart mode)
    • - Support for more archive file formats in multipart mode analysis [see https://www.7-zip.org/]
    • - Detection engine improved
    • - Bugs fix
    • - Powershell tls/ssl
    • - File format detection
    • - Zip extraction
    • - Graphical user interface stop button
    • - Analysis date when error happens in some cases
    • - ...
    • - Patch anti-vm
    • - Documentation

      P2A v7.5 (2023-06-13)

      Added support for EML files
    • - Support for EML files (multipart analysis : urls and attachments).
    • - Support for files named with non ascii characters.
    • - Bugs fix.
    • - Note : for mutlipart analyses, the subparts results are available in the resulting json under de key subparts={analysis_id1 : result_url1, ...}

      P2A v7.4 (2023-04-23)

    • - Malicious File Detection available in API
    • - Improved performance and stability
    • - Enabled Datalake domain reputation integration
    • - Updated Firefox (111) and Chrome (95)
    • - Add OneNote support

      P2A v7.3 (2023-02-20)

      system upgrade
    • - Ubuntu upgrade (from bionic to focal).
    • - Kernel upgrade (kvm + qemu).
    • - Security enhancement (front-end/back-end data encryption ...).
    • - Bugs fix (tor, rescan, nitro -6 ...).
    • - Web api improvement (submitting files, urls, online files and Hash).
    • - NOTE (api): sync mode is deprecated and will be removed next release.

      P2A v7.2 (2022-10-26)

      Malware configs extraction
    • - Added new section : Extract of Malware Configuration(visible whenever configs are extracted). Malware configs are also present in the results json file (key = mwcfg).
    • - Bugs fix
    • - Web api will be updated in the next release, p2a python client will be provided and curl commands will have little changes.

      P2A v7.1 (2022-06-16)

      Static analysis of submitted sample
    • - Yara analysis of submitted file
    • - Large files submission through python-API ( size > 50Mo )
    • - The reason of maintenance is now shown
    • - Improvement : users can now disable all hooks with one option
    • - Windows templates updated
    • - Added the possibility to download PDF report through WEB-API
    • - Bugs fixing
    • - Some server improvement
    • - Anti-VM techniques improvement

      P2A v7.0 (2022-04-13)

      Custom command line and fixes
    • - Fixed an issue that caused analysis graphical overflow with too long URL
    • - Fixed "search by hash" feature that crashed in some rare cases
    • - Fixed some documentation issues
    • - Fixed an issue with admin feature to switch from normal to okta user
    • - Fixed some graphical issues on the GUI
    • - Added support page and new support email for technical bugs
    • - Added .pptm files support
    • - Added "public share" feature that allows sharing an analysis with unauthenticated users
    • - Added the possibility for admins to change users email address
    • - Added a new feature that allows specifying custom command line when running an analysis (Advanced tab)
    • - Added a feature that allows admins to delete submitted samples
    • - Added the possibility to submit an analysis through API directly in "shared" mode

      P2A v6.2 (2022-02-15)

      Increased URL max size
    • - Fixed an issue with web API that caused bad result on "Dangerous" match
    • - Increased URL max size from 256 to 2048
    • - General optimization
    • - Minor bug fixes

      P2A v6.1 (2022-01-26)

      Analyze by hash and command line arguments
    • - Several bug fixes including a bug that caused webserver crash when a user went over their daily quota.
    • - New feature: analyze files by simply providing their hash
    • - New feature: provide command line parameters for all types of files in "Advanced" tab
    • - Improvement: users are now informed when they are visualizing an empty analysis (missing stream.bin file)
    • - Fixed documentation issues for API
    • - Fixed an issue that prevented giving extra arguments to DLLs

      P2A v6.0 (2021-11-22)

      Bug fixes and improvements
    • - Improved admin panel
    • - Disabled email change feature for Okta users
    • - UI Menu fixes
    • - Improved modules management based on installation system
    • - Vulnerability fix: restricted sample download-by-hash feature to admins
    • - Fixed configuration issues
    • - Fixed other minor bugs

      P2A v5.5 (2021-11-02)

      API search by date and documentation fixes
    • - New feature in API search endpoint: possibility to specify starting and ending date (see API documentation)
    • - Fixed many documentation mistakes
    • - Adjusted all errors and descriptions in English language
    • - Added support of .ppam files
    • - Changed Internal Login button title for clarity
    • - Deleted PFAV and P2M buttons
    • - Upgraded maintenance page by adding more information
    • - Minor bug fixes

      P2A v5.4 (2021-10-25)

      Several improvements and new API endpoints
    • - Changed /api-web endpoint to /api/submit but /api-web still works as legacy endpoint
    • - Improved history API endpoint to work with current session (in addition to API login)
    • - Added new API endpoint that allows downloading samples associated to an analysis ID
    • - Added new API endpoint that allows searching for analysis: filter by filename, hash, author, signature
    • - Added new section to API result containing all network connections including: source IP, destination IP and destination port
    • - Fixed a rare bug that caused a crash through API when no memory dump was generated
    • - Fixed few timeout issues worker-side
    • - Fixed a collision issue on local and okta accounts
    • - Fixed bad syntax on documentation and general improvement
    • - Enabled internal login button on login page

      P2A v5.3 (2021-10-12)

      UI Fixes
    • - Added the possibility for users to prevent auto-upload of their files on Multi-Upload page: the option can be changed in user parameters
    • - Added a favicon to P2A website
    • - Fixed colors of some error/warning messages and buttons

      P2A v5.2 (2021-10-07)

      Okta authentication system
    • - Added new authentication system to P2A: OpenID connect through Okta
    • - The new authentication system will be used for all internal users but local authentication is still supported for external users
    • - Adding a new button on login page: "Internal login" in order to use the Okta system: the button is disabled for now

      P2A v5.1 (2021-09-27)

      Hash addition and bug fixes
    • - Fixed an issue that prevented submission for TDC users
    • - Fixed an issue related to domains display that caused the web server crash in special cases
    • - Added md5 and sha1 hashes to submitted samples: those values are now displayed on web and API result

      P2A v5.0 (2021-09-14)

      Bug fixes, datalake implementation and new api endpoint
    • - Improved analysis share system: added share button even on public analysis
    • - Added a new API endpoint to fetch last analysis list
    • - Fixed an issue that caused crash when submitting a DLL without any export
    • - Fixed an issue that caused crash when submitting to Free Mode without any extension
    • - Added domain name reputation scores (from Datalake) to analysis result page

      P2A v4.5 (2021-09-02)

      Major fixes
    • - Fixed an issue that displayed the file size instead of hash in web API result
    • - Removed flash support for the P2A multi-upload page
    • - Removed returned webserver verbose information
    • - Fixed self-XSS on submit page
    • - Fixed issues related to user permissions

      P2A v4.4 (2021-08-26)

      Analysis sharing system
    • - Addition of a "Share" button on analysis result page allowing to generate a URL with a unique token allowing to share a private analysis with a connected user
    • - Possibility to withdraw or regenerate the sharing token at any time

      P2A v4.3 (2021-08-20)

      Global improvements and important bug fixes
    • - Fixed inetsim according to new Perl version
    • - Fixed an issue preventing submission of URLs containing unicode characters
    • - Deactivated experimental AI engine by default
    • - Fixed a temporary issue that prevented analysis deletion
    • - Overall stabilization

      P2A v4.2 (2021-07-05)

      Improvements of Vital submission
    • - Replaced VITAL submission filename with its hash SHA256
    • - Removed a debug message when submitting to VITAL
    • - Fixed VITAL submission to adapt to the new API syntax
    • - Several minor fixes

      P2A v4.1 (2021-06-10)

      Important bug fixes
    • - Fixed a bug in PFAV and VITAL implementations that prevented getting the correct result in some cases
    • - Fixed some unclear parts of the documentation
    • - Fixed an issue with P2A rulesets not being updated after server reboot
    • - Fixed several typographical
    • - Fixed other minor bugs
    • - Introduction of the IA detection engine

      P2A v4.0 (2021-02-17)

      Tor submission mode
    • - Added a new network submission mode that allows routing network traffic through tor choosing a specific exit node country
    • - Fixed a bug that prevented downloading files containing "%20" space character
    • - Minor bug fixes

      P2A v3.6 (2020-12-22)

      Better detection and bug fixes
    • - Bug fixes related to detection of msiexec malicious process run
    • - Added zerologon hooks
    • - Fixed a bug related to deactivated user accounts
    • - Added a maintenance mode

      P2A v3.5 (2020-10-14)

      Vital integration and API improvements
    • - API result improvement: added domain and IP list
    • - VITAL results integrated in web analysis result for each memory dump
    • - PFAV result bug fixes (csrf exempt request)

      P2A v3.4 (2020-09-21)

      WEB-API improvements
    • - Addition of a "sync" parameter in the WEB API submission options (WEB API is now asynch by default)
    • - Improved WEB API operation routes
    • - Redesign of the WEB API documentation
    • - Minor bug fixes

      P2A v3.3 (2020-09-04)

      Datalake and minor improvements
    • - Better handling of APK files
    • - Sending IOC of public malicious detection to Datalake
    • - Improvements of events display (added reason)

      P2A v2.1 (2020-06-23)

      Better privacy settings and stability improvement
    • - Deleted email address in web result for privacy reasons
    • - Improved overall stability
    • - Bug fixes in ajax return process

      P2A v3.2 (2020-08-03)

      Hooks management system and vulnerability fixes
    • - Fixed CSRF vulnerability on some formulas
    • - Fixed an issue that prevented email modification
    • - Improved hooks management system

      P2A v3.1 (2020-07-23)

      Several bug fixes and adjustements
    • - Fixed several bugs in free mode (zip upload,
    • - Improved the waiting template
    • - Disallowed using no vnc option with free mode

      P2A v3.0 (2020-07-16)

      Free mode option
    • - Added a new submission mode: free mode (Options general tab)
    • - Possibility to submit multiple files in a zip
    • - Possibility to setup the virtual machine 10 minutes before analysis start
    • - Possibility to choose which specific processes to analyze (Advanced tab)
    • - Fixed minor bugs in introspection engine
    • - Several front-end bug fixes leading to global stability improvement

      P2A v2.0 (2020-06-16)

      Simulated internet mode and improved detection
    • - Released new network mode: simulated internet
    • - Fixed minor bugs
    • - Added detection process for malicious msiexec processes
    • - Added new events in order to improve dynamic detection
    • - Added a fake browser that triggers malware start process

      P2A v1.2 (2020-04-04)

      WEB-API and improved web results
    • - Improved web analysis results
    • - Fixed user api bugs (race condition)
    • - Released a new API based on web endpoint (see documentation in API submenu)
    • - Fixed other minor bugs

      P2A v1.1 (2020-02-27)

      Global improvements and bug fixes
    • - Fixed display issues in event list (command_line tag)
    • - Fixed bugs in introspection engine
    • - Fixed word dumps issue
    • - Added new logs for the introspection engine (new processes)
    • - Improved documentation

      P2A v1.0 (2020-01-02)

      Added detection processes and stability improvement
    • - Added a way to detect malicious programs running through msiexec client call.
    • - Improved global stability of the platform
    • - Several bug fixes

      P2A v0.5 (2019-05-29)

      Improvement of the browser support
    • - Added a submission parameter to choose the browser between IE, Firefox and Chrome
    • - Addition of export buttons in PNG and PDF in the results page (Analysis menu in the menu bar)
    • - Added a password parameter to be used to decrypt the sample if it is an encrypted ZIP archive
    • - Adding detection rules
    • - All the added parameters can be configured in the user preferences in the "Preferences" menu

      P2A v0.4 (2019-05-24)

      Support of resource hooks
    • - Addition of hooks on the windows API concerning PE resources
    • - Improved disconnected antivirus scanning system
    • - Fixed some web interface bugs
    • - Adding detection rules

      P2A v0.3 (2019-05-24)

      Antivirus scan via PFAV added to P2A results
    • - The memory artifacts recovered during the analysis are transferred to the anti virus of PFAV for analysis
    • - Antivirus scans are done in offline mode, no information is transmitted to anti-virus publishers
    • - By default only the first three memory artifacts are sent, the user can choose to send them all by clicking on the corresponding button
    • - If the analysis is too old, the user can also choose to resubmit the dumps to benefit from signature updates
    • - A bug has been fixed when submitting file URLs for download
    • - Support for PPT and PPTX files has been added (launch in powerpoint)
    • - The samples page has been updated

      P2A v0.2 (2019-05-24)

      New extensions support and bug fixes
    • - HTML files are now run from the default browser. The error displayed in case of bad file extension is more intuitive.
    • - New rulesets for several malware families
    • - The user can now access all the files submitted through web or API in Samples pages
    • - Bug fixes for the introspection module, the web client is more stable and displays more elements even in case of errors.

      P2A v0.1 (2019-02-05)

      Initial changelog
      Extension support:

    • - Microsoft Word:
    • - hta
    • - mshtml
    • - Microsoft Excel:
    • - csv

      Web Interface:

    • - Choice of virtual machine language
    • - Displaying events by page (500/page)
    • - All events are displayed by default
    • - New event types: Mutex, Semaphores, NamedPipes, Events, DebugStrings, HookModifyData
    • - Possibility to download stream.bin of the analysis


    • - Improvement of the automatic mouse moving function